Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nothing Like His Peace

As the snow quickly began to freeze as temps began to fall last evening, the beauty of the snowfall was overshadowed by the dread of people falling and cars hitting black ice and spinning out of control, and I thought about how events in our lives can be quickly changed by circumstances beyond our control. But as I thought it through I was reassured that through it all God is quick to guide us if only we listen to His still small voice whispering safe guidance in all we do and it brought this song to mind:
"Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight, Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm; In celestial strains it unceasingly falls, O’er my soul like an infinite calm. What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace, Buried deep in the heart of my soul, So secure that no power can mine it away, While the years of eternity roll! I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace, Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control; For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day, And His glory is flooding my soul! Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Coming down from the Father above! Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray. In fathomless billows of love!"
How I love this old hymn and knowing my Heavenly Father watches over me every second of every day and is pleased to protect and guide me along my way. It is such a blessing to feel the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Peace that floods over my soul bringing that calm assurance that all is well. Peace of knowing that whatever may come my way, God already has it covered in His nail-scarred hands; already conquered and provided everything necessary for my peace of mind through His loving grace. 
The Love of God is truly greater than any tongue or pen can ever tell and goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. When we become bowed down with cares of this life, all we have to do is call upon God and He is right there; instilling peace and love as He cradles us in His comforting arms. He is our Good Good Father and we are His beloved child. There is no peace like the Peace of God; no love like the Love of God; and with outstretched arms He readily welcomes us to come and rest in Him. May you feel His love and have a peaceful day dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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