Friday, January 26, 2018

What's in Your Bucket List

Ever thought about making a bucket list?.. Things you'd like to accomplish before your time is up on this earth. I began to think about it a while back and I find there are some things I would like to do before I am called home! My first thoughts were spiritually and wanting to be a help to those around me as an old song goes: "If I can help somebody as I pass along; If I can cheer somebody with a word or song; If I can show somebody he is traveling wrong, then my living shall not be in vain." And then there were things I'd like to do physically and some places I'd like to see and enjoy of God's great beauty displayed on earth.
The older I get the more I realize that life is a gift from God and every new day allows us time to determine and accomplish things we desire hidden within His gift. The things I'd like to do and sights I'd like to see are choices that some day I hope to make a reality and a wonderful memory having come true..... but until that day arrives I am content where I am and what I am doing with those gifts and blessings He has placed within my life. Marvelous gifts of precious loving family and friends that are too wonderful for words and the blessing of health being restored gives me new hope for every tomorrow!
Each new day God gives comes with His fresh mercies allowing us to wake up refreshed(old things of yesterday passed away) and ready to start a brand new day filled with new opportunities to do whatever we were unable to accomplish yesterday and have set our mind to do today. We can choose to merely exist through our new day or we can make the most of it in helping others and achieving those things dear to our hearts. Whatever our bucket list holds is totally up to each one of us and how we perceive life and choose to fulfill each new day is totally up to us! 
Gifts can become true blessings if we are mindful of His presence within; stirring us up and making us mindful of those things that truly count when all is said and done for only what's done for Christ Jesus will matter, Holy Spirit strengthens and guides us to be our very best, so I wonder, how can I make this gift of day the best it can be? What good deed can I do that will help someone along their way? Who can I give a cheerful smile at today that will warm their heart and encourage them along their way? Who can I find that needs a warm caring hug to comfort them instead of shrugging them off? How can I make a difference in others through my blessed gift of today and share this blessing along my way?
Many deeds within our bucket list can only be successfully fulfilled as we allow God to lead our way. So for me, I am determined to stick close to Him and listen attentively to His guidance, while keeping my eyes and ears open to those around me. I have found there is no greater blessing than to lovingly help others throughout the day. Hopes and dreams and visions untold become a reality when He becomes alive within the depths of our soul. As we begin surrendering our will to His, we take on a mindset of "More of Thee and less of me, until it's All of Thee and none of me!" I am His and He is mine, together forever throughout all eternity! And that sums up my bucket list in full! 

A life in abundance became obtainable when Jesus completed everything that was needed to satisfy our sin debts and set us free forevermore as we believe and receive Him into our hearts! With Him in our life  comes a Peace beyond measure and unspeakable joy within the soul that satisfies and completes each longing within our heart and soul. This wonderful peace comes with such assurance of knowing who I am and Who He is, and All that I am and ever hope to be is Christ in me, the hope of glory! 
Whatever your bucket list may hold and whatever your desires may be, I pray you enjoy this wonderfully blessed day knowing that God loves you and so do I~~~

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