Thursday, June 11, 2020

Eternal Relationship

Ever wonder about relationships and why they succeed or fail? Ever wonder why so many people say they are 'seeking a relationship' when really they just want to see what the other has to offer; and when things don't go the way they expect, they pick up and leave? So what is a relationship really based on? What does it take to form a true relationship?
Relationship is defined as 'the state in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected; the state of being connected by blood or marriage; the state of where two or more people or organizations regard and behave toward each; and the emotional or sexual association between two people.' Whatever the purpose; a relationship still takes two to engage and make up that relationship.
So why do so many relationships fail? Could it be that only one is willing to provide what is needed to make that relationship last? Could it be that it was never a relationship to begin with; and could it be that one, or neither, made Jesus the center of that relationship?
Doesn't matter if it's a personal or business relationship; building any relationship on the foundation of Christ Jesus is the only sure basis for a life-long success in any given relationship. You may be wondering why I would bring Jesus into this scenario, so I will be glad to tell you. It's because the relationship between God and man is the greatest relationship of all; and because God created you and me for a relationship in which He could walk and talk with us anytime of the day or night so we could talk and listen and communicate back and forth in a true relationship. And that's the basis for a true relationship; communicating back and forth. WOW! Can you imagine a relationship with God like that? Where you and I could talk and even laugh and enjoy conversations with God, one on one, with no interference; just mankind and God; that's what God is longing for; that is what He is seeking. 
We go to God in prayer all the time for different answers and needs, but in all our asking, do we ever stop to ask Him what we can do for Him? What He seeks from us? Do we realize how much He desires for us to come to Him just because we want to spend some alone time with Him; asking nothing in return?
All through our life we've sought answers, sought help, sought understanding, sought guidance, sought wisdom; and when our answers didn't come or were delayed, we wondered why it seemed we couldn't hear from God. But did we ever take the necessary time to form that true relationship with Him? Did we set aside uninterrupted time after submitting those requests to be able to hear back from Him and just be alone with Him as needed in a true relationship?
If you desire a true relationship with God, then I encourage you to begin to set aside time to be alone with Him, your Father, your Savior, your Comforter, and guide. The more you spend that much needed alone time with Him, the more you become attentive to His voice, His ways, and His will for your life; and you will begin to enjoy that much desired relationship between God and man! 
Then and only then, will you begin to live that abundant life and know the true meaning of being free from apprehension and fears; free from bondage and sins, and free to be who you are in Him while proclaiming Jesus as Lord of your life!
If you will take this much needed time and devote it to building this eternal relationship with Him; I guarantee this will begin the greatest relationship of your entire lifetime; filled with joy unspeakable and peace beyond measure!
May you enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~

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