Monday, June 5, 2017

As Praise Goes Up Blessings Come Down

The showers have been off and on throughout the weekend replenishing and refreshing the earth and more showers are on their way. Will there be thunder? Will there be rain; or just showers? Will those showers bring on storms? Whatever our lot, it's sure to say, God has it all in His hands! Decisions, concerns, wonders- life is filled them all and so much more. But somehow, knowing God is in it all, and working within us through it all, makes everything so amazingly wonderful. 
Yesterday we celebrated Pentecost Sunday and the windows of Heaven opened and rained down showers of blessings upon our tabernacle as Holy Spirit filled the temple and lives were forever changed, healed, delivered and filled with the Spirit all over the tabernacle of praise. The more we praised God and the more we were of one mind and one accord, the more we saw Him move as souls were set free from chains that had once bound them! It's amazing how praise ushers in the presence of God upon our lives. Can you imagine how awesome our lives would be if only we would praise Him more in one mind and one accord?
We learn from experience that Life is how we perceive it; and how we choose to accept changes in our life, both good and bad, grows us into who we become and who we are today. The Word of God declares in Jeremiah 29:11 that God already has our future planned and desires not just a good life, but actually an abundant life, for each one of us. Whatever may come our way, we have His blessed assurance that He has it all covered in the palm of His hands and will carry us through the midst of life's storms.
So whether you are blessed with showers today, an abundance of rainfall, or even a thunderous storm or two, keep your mind stayed upon Him and allow God to work whatever is needed within your life to accomplish the plans He has designed for you to be blessed! Praise is the key that unlocks the door to Heaven's blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So let's sing forth the goodness of our Lord and watch the windows of Heaven open as blessings come pouring down as the rain!
I pray you will keep your mind upon Him so you can find the peace that passes all understanding, May you sing forth His praises in the rain and even dare to dance in the rain amidst life's storm. You were created to sing forth His praises and to feel so free that you dance before the King of all Kings as children of the Most High God! So let the blessings fall as the rain; let the Heavens rejoice with our praises! God Is Great And Worthy To Be Praised, so let's sing forth His praises; and watch as the praise goes up, the blessings come down!
I pray that life treats you kindly and if you encounter roadblocks along your way, may you always remember God is greater than anything that may come against you. So enjoy the amazing wonders this day has to offer and "SMILE, GOD LOVES YOU" and so do I~~~

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