Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Variety Is The Spice Of Life God Loves

Since I've received my healing and can finally walk again without assistance, I love to take leisure walks in my own pace and my own time, reflecting on God's goodness and the day ahead! It refreshes me and gives me clarity of mind to the goal set before me; while I enjoy the sights and sounds along the way. I find Wisdom can be learned from past mistakes and I've learned that it's not about how quickly things are accomplished, but it's how we run the race. Running the race with perseverance and endurance, but also enjoying the race along the way brings a greater reward as we cross that finish line.
Life is too short to worry about the little things like trying to measure up to man's standards. Peer pressure can only be imposed on those who allow it; and learning that lesson early on in life can prevent a multitude of hurt, set backs, and loss of self esteem. No two people were created exactly alike in every thing so variety was meant to be the spice of life. Variety savors everything from fashion styles to the foods we eat, and is noticeable in everything we come in contact with; allowing us to see how unique things of life can be in our very own perspective. Variety is meant to be a good thing, a very good thing! We were not created to be exactly alike. 

God created every thing with its own uniqueness; in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors from the flowers to the trees, to the birds of the air or the fish of the sea, to the greatest mammal or the smallest creature, to the majestic mountaintops or the lowlands of the earth; to the man and woman we are, "and God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good"(Gen 1:31) If variety pleases God, then who are we(his creation) to say otherwise?
So let's stop trying to be like someone else and trying to measure up to man's standards. Let's be the person God created us to be; just the way we are; all different by His choice. He has clearly shown that He loves variety, so let's be happy with who we are and begin to enjoy this life God has given. Let's run the race set before us while enjoying life in all its fullness along our way. Let's be that unique individual God created; that one of a kind 'Child of the Most High God' He loves beyond measure; and as you run your race in your own pace, begin to feel His loving smile upon you in whatever you do. Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friend. God loves you and so do I~~~

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