Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mothers Day

Looking forward to seeing my sisters: Gail MoormanSharlene Raines Brogdon, and Carolyn Raines Scott tomorrow in Crossville as we gather together at Carolyn's home and celebrate our Mother who awaits us in Heaven, along with many other family members and precious friends already there with her. She went home with angels the night before Mothers Day in 2012 so since then we've set aside one day during the week of Mothers Day to gather as a unit to celebrate her awesome love; and there's just something about it that brings such a deep warmth as we love on each other, chit chat about ol' times, enjoy each other, and laugh a lot at how we were back when vs. how we are now. Lots of precious memories to share between the four of us and of course we'll have great food and an awesome time! But today my mind has been absorbed in wonderful memories centered around my precious Mother; my dearest friend; my greatest fan; my yard sale partner; my counselor; ,my support and prayer partner while raising my girls; and someone I would love to hear her voice just once more and be able to give her one more hug and a kiss; but knowing where she is and the legacy she has left in all our hearts; although it brings tears, also brings a warm smile knowing she is cheering me own and that I will see her soon when this life is completed. So if your mom is still alive, please don't wait until Sunday to celebrate your Mom, because Death waits for no one! Call her up and don't wait; or better yet, go visit her and give her a great big hug because so many of us will not be able to do that this year! And to all of you whose Mom is in Heaven this year; just remember she is with the One who made her and she is cheering you on from Heaven's portals and you can see her again if you choose wisely. Blessings to you all~~~

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