Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Waiting Game

Ever wonder why there are times we seek God for answers and can't seem to hear from Him?  Or when you feel God is silent and you wonder if your prayers are even getting thru?  Ever pray for God to move and He seems so far away, like He has distanced Himself from you and you wonder why?  
I Wonder........ could it be that He didn't move at all? And if He didn't move and this is only between 
you and Him, who actually moved away?  And is He really being silent? Could it be that He has heard every word, heard every prayer, knows exactly what we're thinking, and He's not responding........and you wonder why?  And so you continue to wait for your answer........ Could it be that He's already given His answer, BUT, since it didn't figure into your idea of an answer and because it didn't render the results you were expecting, could it be that you just refused to hear and tuned that answer out; so now you continue to seek the answer you feel is adequate to meet the need at hand? Could it be? 
I speak from past experiences about how we know from His Word that He hears and meets our needs; that His ways are far above our ways, and that His thinking is not at all like ours(Isaiah 55:8-9), For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, "says the Lord."For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts"  
and yet we refuse to accept His divine answers and continue to seek 'His Will?' and become distressed because we haven't received our answer yet? Could it be that it is not really 'His Will' we are seeking, but only what we are requesting, to be answered?
Yes, we are human so we think like humans; and yes, most of us have been around this old world long enough to have experienced a lot so we expect answers in the way we think will benefit our situation; so we go to God and tell Him all about our problem and expect Him to move on behalf of that problem; but do we really want Him to answer in His way, or in our way? That's the key to this whole scenario; truly allowing God to answer in HIS WAY, in HIS TIME, and in HIS only He does best! Learning to accept His divine answer with our human minds and not with spiritual understanding and having to wait upon the Lord can be painful, can be grievous, can be frustrating; until we truly learn that God's ways are not like our ways, and His time is not like ours, and His will is certainly not like ours; so we wait- and wait- and wait upon the Lord. And as we truly wait upon the Lord, desiring His divine intervention, we learn that God restores our hope and renews our strength as Isaiah 40:31 declares, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint."
Throughout life, I too, have learned to wait upon the Lord as I would pray for God to grant me the serenity to accept the things I could not change; courage to change the things I could; but also to grant me the wisdom to know the difference. And my answers weren't always pleasant; as I learned to accept answers that were heart breaking, but in my Father's Eyes and in His Perfect Will, I knew it was Best for all concerned. But through it all, I've come to depend upon the Lord. I've learned to trust Him with every area of my life and with every thing and every one that affects the life He has given me. And I've learned not to give up but to press on. To press on toward the higher calling in Jesus Christ; knowing that my due season to victory is on its way; and could be right around the corner. And so I press on with expectancy and trust in God Who has always loved me unconditionally. Who has given His all that I could have life and have it more abundantly. I press on knowing victory is mine and because He lives; I too shall live in Him forevermore. I press on knowing that I am His and He is mine. 
So dear friend, Be encouraged! Don't give up! Your due season could be right around the corner. Stay faithful and don't get discouraged. Now is not the time to slack off. Realize that even though it seems like nothing is happening, God is preparing your answer with His BEST answers, and soon the waiting game will be over and victory will be yours. So, keep pressing forward, knowing that your due season is on its way; In His way, In His will, and in His time! Have a wonderfully blessed day because God loves you and so do I~~~

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