Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Emergencies Happen

Around one o'clock this morning one of my friends called me and was having severe chest pain, was clammy, and couldn't seem to get her breath which required EMS transport to the hospital, of course. Due to her severe pain and shortness of breath and inability to think at times, I began thinking about how all of us need to make a list and place it on the inside of our front door with necessary information for EMS showing: at least 2 emergency contacts' name and phone numbers, allergies, medications, and medical history for times like these.
I thank God that she is now in stable condition and being kept for observation and more tests; but it was difficult to get this information from her due to the severe pain and distress she was in; and God forbid, if she'd had an acute heartache how would we find the information needed to get her the best care possible or to notify her family? I am just so very thankful she was able to receive the help needed and as for me and all of us here, the emergency list is certainly something we will be attending to quickly.
I pray that each of you will take to heart that just because you're healthy right now doesn't mean this can never happen to you. This happened to a very healthy and energetic young lady who speed walks around our complex morning and evenings and who was in great shape. People suffer heart attacks and strokes of all ages and again, having the necessary information readily available for those attending to you can be a matter of life or death.
So please take a few minutes and make your emergency list and place it where emergency personnel or someone trying to help you can easily find, for times like these; and keep in mind there is no guarantee you will be able to tell them where to find it, so please place it in a noticeable place like the inside of your front door and you can even place it inside a cover; but be sure to mark it Emergency Info.
Be Blessed, dear friends, and stay healthy. God loves you and so do I~~~

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