Monday, January 11, 2021

Man's Ways vs God's Ways

 Many of us remain in shock and disbelief at how the election ended but ya know, these are man's ways, not God's. Man is filled with deception and cunning ways and satan is running rampant all over the world deceiving many; but do not forget that God is not mocked and He sees all and hears all and is in full control. He knows exactly what is happening and the timing of events are in His control, not man's.

We all witnessed the massive world-wide altar call of 2020 when the pandemic overtook not only the United States of America but nations throughout the world and we all lost massive amounts of loved ones from this strain of Covid-19 virus and for a while we were on our knees in repentance (2 Chronicles 7:14); But as the crisis seemed to tone down a bit, many returned to their old way of living and the deceptive cunning ways of man were in full swing again; then these election deceptions flooded our minds as wickedness filled the outcomes and we thought about man and their evil schemes instead of God again.
Satan is running rampant over the world doing all he can to steal, kill, and destroy and he will do whatever it takes to get our minds off God and on the cares of the world, but we must remain assured that no matter what befalls us, God is in Control and it doesn't matter who is the White House or who sits up on the Hill or places of authority, God is God and His Word will stand when all Hell comes against us; so we must pray and guard our minds with all diligence for out of it come all the issues of life.(Proverbs 4:23)
No matter how much man tries to down play God's Word, no matter how much man puts into law those things contrary to His Word, God's Word is Truth and does not change; so let's shake off those election results and pray for those who have been placed in office for God to deal with them and move in ways only He does best.
No matter what the world does around us, let's be followers of Jesus Christ and uphold His Word in Love and Honor of all He has done for mankind to be redeemed and set at liberty from the evils of this world. Let's be His army of believers ready to defend and uphold the Word of God by praying for those who are doing evil and not argue and criticize them but let God be the judge and executioner as He sees fit. After all, God holds the universe in His hands and it is in God we trust!
So enjoy a blessed day instead of stress, dear friends, and give thanks to God in our Lord Jesus Christ and in all our ways let's acknowledge Him so He will direct our steps. God loves you and so do I~~~

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