Sunday, January 3, 2021

Year 2020 Comes To End

 Well, dear friends. it's already New Years Eve and on this final day of 2020 I am amazed at how fast this year has flown. This year held the same amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days and months as every other year but yet it comes to a close tonight at midnight. So where did the time go? Time seemed to lose its essence as the pandemic of the Covid-19 Virus attacked not only our nation but the whole world, quickly robbing lives of young and old, weak and healthy throughout the universe and our focus turned to repentance and the need for safety precautions for our loved ones and those we come in contact with.

Many became quarantined from exposure while safety in place mandates were ordered for non essential workers; yet frontline workers had to resume their jobs with safety gear necessary for their protection. The world as we had known it had become a place filled with social isolations, fear, anxiety, and uncontrolled dying replacing the peace and socializing we had known.

Prayers are uplifted for all the frontline healthcare and essential workers having to endure the hardships and heartbreaks of giving their all and yet being unable to control the massive loss of lives they have to witness, while essential workers struggled to provide necessary equipment, medications, supplies, and needs leaving them all weary beneath their fatigue and heartbreaks; and yet the virus continues.

As this year comes to a close the devastating memories remain, so tonight I pray we all remember to safeguard not only our self but all those around us by being responsible and showing we truly care by masking up and maintaining a safe distance from those not of our households.... And if you do choose to go out and "party hearty" without precautions then at least care enough to stay away from those you love for 2 weeks so as not to expose them unknowingly.

This pandemic is not over yet and it continues to take lives of those we love so please please please be responsible and truly care! Do what you can do to help stop the spread of this horrible virus. The nursing staff are all exhausted and yet they give their all. All I ask is that you mask up and follow common sense when you are around others. Don't be the one who takes the virus to your loved one and watch them die from your neglect. Please do what you can to protect them at all cost.

We all look forward to being able to get out there and socialize again but during this pandemic, we must be responsible and care enough to choose wisely and protect those we love as well as those around us. I pray God be with us all and inspire Health and Wisdom within as we seek to follow Him in all our ways. May each of you have a Happy Healthy New Year knowing God loves you and so do I~~~


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