Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Learning to Wait Upon The Lord

Ever wonder why some prayers are answered quickly, while some seem to take far too long for God to answer? Ever think God didn't hear you the first time so you repeat the request time and time again but still no response? Ever search through the Word for a scripture to bring before the throne so you can convince God to answer that request the same way as noted therein?
I wonder how often God shakes His head at us in Fatherly love and smiles to Himself as we try to convince Him why He should do this or that; how He must chuckle sometimes as we try to nudge Him or offer up ways He could fix a given situation if only He would do it that way. And knowing His plan for our individual lives, don't ya know He probably thinks, "Oh my precious Child, if only you knew what I know, you would understand." God has to have a sense of humor or where else would we get our funny traits from. He created us in His own likeness and Jesus walked the earth, lived among us, and was tempted as we are, so He knows what leads us to think the way we do.
In Isaiah 55:8-9 God tells us that His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways His ways; that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His ways and thoughts higher than ours; so why do we try to tell Him how to do His business, or try to manipulate Him to do things our way? Because we are humans and He is Almighty God, and because He is the Creator and we are His creations. And because He loves us with a love far beyond anything we can ever conceive!
We read throughout scripture how God is a jealous god who shares His praise with no one: not doctors, not treatments, not therapy, not laying on of hands by well known individuals, not anyone! And since we are His creations, to God rightfully belongs all praise. But more often than not, we somehow get the notion that we know more about our own families and how things need to be done, and without realizing, we have dared to rob the Creator of His glory.
As individual creators over special things that become dear to us, we become very protective of what we created and will fight to the finish to protect them. As parents over our children, we are quick to protect them from harms way as we set about nurturing them and making sure they have all they need to grow into well developed individuals; but Lord help that individual who attempts to harm them or say something hurtful about them or to them. Our mother hen feathers will quickly rise up and we quickly come to their defense; and everyone knows you don't mess with a mother hen! No one is going to spoil or harm our masterpiece; because That creation is ours and what right do they have to cause them damage?
In much the same way God watches over us, His creations, to guard and keep us in all our ways. As a creator molds and shapes their creation, even so our lives are molded and shaped by God's own hands to be all He created us to be; and just as we don't want anyone messing around with our creation, neither does God want His creation to be changed from what He designed; His very own workmanship. Since we are His creation, It is His plan that He safeguards and when we pray our requests unto Him, as we make our needs and desires known, we should be reminded that even Jesus prayed to the Father in the garden, "nevertheless not my will, but Thy Will be done."
So instead of growing impatient with whatever has come our way and possibly getting discouraged when our request is not answered; maybe we should do a self exam and see what mindset we really have. Do we have the mind of Christ, being submissive to the Father's will; or are we the created telling the Creator what to do and how it should be done, instead of trusting Him with full confidence that He has heard our requests and in His own way and perfect timing He will meet that need in the best way for all concerned? He wants us to trust Him in all our ways as declared in Prov.3:5,6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths". He already knows our requests even before we ask, and watches over us to protect and provide those things necessary for us to enjoy an abundant life in Christ Jesus.
So why should we become disgruntled when cares of life are not met in the time frame or manner we think it should be? It's all in our relationship with our Creator, and knowing who we are in Him. It's in knowing that we are His handiwork, created in Christ Jesus, and that God is forever faithful and will answer in the way Best for all concerned. So as we learn to trust fully in His wisdom and guidance, we learn that in our weakness He is made strong; and as we walk in the pathway He has designed for our life; step by step, hand in hand with Jesus; we will receive His Best in all our ways. He wants only the very BEST for our life, not second best, but only THE BEST as declared in Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So let's learn to trust God when an answer to prayer is delayed and fully lean on Him and trust that He is working all things for everyone's good as we wait upon the Lord to accomplish all that is needed in times like these. According to His perfect timing He will bring us to that perfect state in Christ Jesus.... If we trust and not grow weary!
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I~~~

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