Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Through It All God Is There

So many acts of violence and devastation continue to happen one after another, and you wonder when it will ever end, but the Word forewarns us that these are signs of the end times. Knowing his time is short, satan is running rampant over the entire earth seeking all he can wound and devour, planting evil in the minds of those who leave their minds unguarded so he can enter. We must be alert and on guard for whatever may fall our way and not allow him the slightest crack to enter in.
As I continued to hear the evil deeds needlessly done by one man that has cost so many lives and wounded over 500 others, thoughts of fear and dread began rushing through my mind until I began replacing them with the Word of God that is so reassuring, because our Lord tells us we don't have to dread or face these things alone. He is always with us and has already given the power for us to be more than over comers against all we may encounter. As the Word replaced my dread, "Thru the fire" by the Crabb family came to mind and being music minded, the spirit just kept rising up from deep within me, bringing such reassurance and hope that I'd like to share the words with you today so you can be strengthened as well.
"So many times I've questioned certain circumstances and things I could not understand; many times in trials weakness blurs my vision, that's when frustration gets so out of hand; It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken; I've never had to stand one test alone; and when I look at all the victories, the Spirit rises up in me, that it's through the fire my weakness is made strong!
I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flame again, again; He never promised that the cross would not get heavy, and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered victories without fighting, but He said help would always come in time. Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision and the adversary says give in, Just Hold On, Our Lord will show up! and He will take you through the fire again! I know within myself that I would surely perish, but if I trust the hand of God, He'll shield the flames again"
And truly, dear friends, God never forsakes us! He always shows up at just the right time and in the right way! He continually works within us all that is needed to bring us to that extension of His grace He can use to make us more than conquerors in Christ Jesus and strengthening our witness to touch others' lives. Even in our darkest hour, even when we feel our weakest, God is always there to strengthen and keep us in His perfect peace through it all! God is Forever Faithful and walks alongside us through the fire and through all we encounter along life's way! Never leaves, never forsakes us, through it all!
I pray you can feel His presence walking beside you; feel His grace working within you; and sense His peace comforting you throughout your day; because God loves you and so do I~~~

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