Monday, March 5, 2018

How Great Is Our God

"Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! Oh Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! The heavens declare Your greatness,The oceans cry out to You, The mountains bow down before You, So I'll join with the earth and I'll give my praise to You!" 
Precious, Precious Lord! When I think about the splendor of Your creations as I watch the sunrise, the sunset, or gaze up into the heavens and see the sun, the moon, the vast multitude of stars; as I listen and watch your measureless creations scamper or fly across the skies, my mind cannot comprehend how majestic You truly are! ..... And when I think of how You declare Your love for us with such an unconditional love, that no matter how good or bad we think we are, You still love us just the same. WOW, how majestic is Your name in all the earth! You declare in Romans 8:38-39 that neither death nor life, angels nor demons, the present nor the future, nor any powers; neither height nor depth, nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from Your Love in Christ Jesus our Lord; and still my mind cannot fathom Your unconditional love; and because Your Word is True and Cannot Lie, I  believe Your Word and I cleave to Your Love and take it to heart forevermore! 
As I read of You in Isaiah 40, and I take in v.18, Who then will we liken You? There truly is No One and No Thing we can even begin to compare You too! Our greatest tangible treasure down here is Gold, and In Heaven You use it to pave Your streets. You sit above the circle of the earth You created and although we are so many; You see each one of us, hear our petitions, and see every tear; and You long for us to welcome Your Open invitation to each one of us to make You Lord and Savior so You can shower us with measureless blessings! 
We lift our eyes to the heavens and are in awe of the multitude of stars and planets and yet you know each one by name. You know the hairs on our heads and you even see when one little sparrow falls. The beauty of your handiwork is beautifully displayed all around from the smallest creation to the largest and nothing can compare their unique beauty. Nothing escapes You! You are the everlasting God who does not sleep; You don't grow weary. And when we grow weary and fall down exhausted, You are right there to renew our strength and mount us up on wings like eagles as we wait upon You Lord! 
As I pursue my journey here on earth, I choose to acknowledge You in all my ways so You can direct my path. My Trust is in You Lord, and forevermore I will seek to show You my love and appreciation for all You have done and continue to do for me and my family; You have showered and continue to shower us with blessings beyond measure! I am just in awe of You and All You are!!! I Love You, Lord......and even now I feel Your Loving Arms wrapping me securely as You draw me closer... nothing else compares! I am so thankful for Your undying Love, dear Lord; for watching over me, protecting and providing for me! 
I pray that all my friends can feel the warmth of Your love today and enjoy a wonderfully blessed week knowing that God loves them, and so do I~~

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