Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Blessings Of A New Season

Happy first day of Spring everyone! Yes, it's Spring! Praise The Lord, Spring is here and times of refreshing have come as declared in Jeremiah 31:25, "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
We have all endured a cold dry season of winter and now we are awakened to rains refreshing the earth as hope fills the air and a new day is here. A new day has unfolded before us, filled with fresh mercies and holding a new way our senses will take in the refreshing for our soul as the law of the Lord is perfected within us. The gloom of winter is washed away and a new season of Hope is all around.
Barren fields and trees are being replaced with a newness of life springing forth as flowering trees and fields yielding forth wildflowers begin to display the beauty of our Lord's handiwork once more.
Nature has awakened from its wintry sleep and the new season of Spring begins to unfold with new life for all to enjoy once more. The wildflowers are beginning to bloom in the fields, the trees beginning to display buds and already the sight of blooms are visible in some for our eyes to behold their beauty. The Master's skillfully decorated birds fly by as the little squirrels scamper around playing along the grounds and in the trees, and the air is filled with the freshness of this new season springing forth His promise of new beginnings! Old things of winter pass away as we behold them becoming new! Hope fills the air as showers of blessings fall as fresh as the rain, and our souls find a newness of peace awakening from the depths of our soul with expectancy of joy stirring within our heart as this new season springs forth this Hope of new beginnings.
"Lord I praise your name on High; Lord I love to sing Your praises, I'm so glad You're in my life, I'm so glad You came to save us; You came from Heaven to earth, to show the way; From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay; From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; Lord I lift Your name on high!" There is nothing like feeling His Love within our heart of hearts, the joy He instills deep within our soul, the warm sunshine felt from our Heavenly Father smiling down upon our face, and the glorious Son springing forth from deep within. "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor any powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord!" Romans 8:38.39.
Nothing like this new season of Spring to awaken the assurance of His Love that never ends, no matter the time or day. A Love that continues day in, day out; no matter what comes our way! A Love that surely surpasses all measure of time, the Purest of Love in Christ Jesus! As you enjoy the beginning of this beautiful season of Spring God has given, don't let it pass you by without acknowledging the newness of life and beauty it holds: the beautiful flowering trees, the awesome display and fragrance of flowers in bloom, the magnificent handiwork of each bird so delicately painted as they fly around allowing us to enjoy their unbelievable beauty. Enjoy all the splendor of the earth as it unfolds from its wintry mix into a masterpiece filled with beauty God created for our eyes to behold! Enjoy the newness of life God desires to place within you, as well, as this new season unfolds before us today.
And as you become aware of what a loving Father we have the honor to enjoy, take time to be thankful unto Him for all His marvelous works and praise His Holy name; for the Lord is good and His mercy endures to all generations! Have a wonderfully blessed first day of Spring, dear friends! God loves you and so do I~~~

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