Saturday, March 13, 2021

Perfect Unity

 While reading in Colossians 3 this morning, Paul stressed the need for followers of Christ Jesus to pray one for another so we all remain strong in the Spirit, and with so much going on in our world today, we must purpose within ourselves to lift up the fallen, to encourage the weak, and to share God's Word in Love so our journey is successful, while helping others to stay strong as well.

Jesus commissioned His followers to spread His Word in Love while being His examples on this earth. Being followers of Jesus requires us to purposely adorn our minds each new day with compassion, with kindness, with humility, with gentleness, and determined patience; to determine within ourselves to forgive one another quickly as He has forgiven us, and above all these virtues, to put on Love; which is the key to binding all the other virtues together in Perfect Unity as noted in Colossians 3:12-15.
Perfect unity binds us together in Christ Jesus with love that goes above and beyond to care one for one another so we all remain strong in the faith. Hurting, oppressed, bound, and lost people are looking for a way of Hope that is ours in Christ Jesus; but because we don't walk the walk to match up with the talk we share from the Word, they become disappointed in our outward portrayal of the life we live before them.
So as true followers, we must be prepared at all times; constant in season and out, to give account of that blessed Hope we have obtained, having been changed from our former sinful life by Jesus' atoning blood into a brand new life of freedom. We become living testimonies of God's Amazing Grace, not only by the words we speak but by the life we live before others who may never pick up a Bible but will watch the lives of so called Christians to see if we really can walk the walk we so readily talk about.
As we share Jesus with our words and deeds, let it be in a manner that others will want the same hope that lies within us, knowing there is no greater joy than a life redeemed by our witness of Christ Jesus, and to God be all glory, honor, and praise! Even the angels in Heaven rejoice over just one sinner being saved! So let's determine to make this day the best it can be as we glorify Jesus with loving kindness shown to others along our way. Let's make this a wonderfully blessed day, simply because God loves you and so do I~~~

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