Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wisdom To Change Things We Can And Acceptance Of Things We Cannot

Good morning, dear friends. Today is another brand new day filled with fresh mercies from our Father above; with new opportunities to take today's gift and turn it into a blessing for those around us. Every moment in our life carries infinite possibilities just waiting to be discovered. What we do with God's gift of today is totally up to us. We can choose to make it good and profitable for the kingdom of God, or we can waste it with undue stress over things of life we cannot change. 
In Celebrate Recovery we have learned to pray The Serenity Prayer over our life, "God grant me the serenity, To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Trying to live one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that God will make all things right If I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life And supremely happy with Him, Forever and ever in the next. Amen." 
Wisdom teaches us to know the difference between what we can change and cannot change in life and it teaches us to have the courage in Christ Jesus to change those things we can; realizing that those things we cannot change are in His precious hands so we can walk on knowing He sees all and knows when we have done all within our power to live a life of honor unto Him!  
Through years of being a person who felt I had to "fix everything", I struggled with control issues and the "what if's: and the 'should I's"; and the "having to be everything to everyone", until I finally collapsed with mental exhaustion. So in my desperation, I whole-heartedly surrendered all my cares to God and to His will for my life and found true peace that was unspeakable. I can honestly say that I have more peace and joy now than I ever thought possible, and more elated knowing that Holy Spirit dwells within me, walks beside me, and guides me every second, of every minute, of every hour; and with every breath I take throughout this life; if anything needs fixed.... He's Got This! 
Now, Instead of worrying over circumstances that arise, I just take it to the Lord and let Him handle it.(Mt 11:28,29). I know that it is His will that I have life, and have it more abundantly(John 10:10). I know He has predestined me for good things as He declares in Jeremiah 29:11; and I know that I serve a mighty God who loves me so much that He laid down His life to purchase my pardon from sin and bondage(John 3:16) and even made me joint-heirs with Jesus to the Father!(Romans 8:16-18). and I know there is Nothing Too Big that My God can't handle(Jeremiah 32:27). Now dear friend, It just doesn't get any better than that!!! If He did for the saints of old, He must do for me! And what He does for me, He must do for you because He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).
His Love amazes me beyond my wildest imagination! I find it amazing how He could love me so much to be willing to come and take my place, bearing the shame and reproach of all mankind, to suffer all the pain and torture He endured, and be that sacrificial lamb crucified on that old rugged cross just to pardon and rescue me and all who would believe and receive Him into their hearts as their Savior and Lord! Jesus! Such Amazing Love! And to know that He is with me forever and ever wherever I go; that He wants only what is Best for me; and He never gives up on me when I fail but continues to work within me to bring me to that stature of being all He predestined me to be! WOW! His Love Amazes Me! Makes me wanna shout it to the world because not only do I believe in Him, but He believes in me and Knows that I can do ALL things through Him! Now that's is having full confidence!
Accepting those things we cannot change, finding courage in Christ Jesus to change those things we can, and allowing Holy Spirit to teach us the difference instills wisdom and peace beyond measure as we see God become the controlling force over our life because we surrender to His will, His ways, and His timings. Only God can break through any barriers that may arise, open doors no man can open, and close doors needing to be closed to keep us walking as He predestined our life to be. 
Let's allow Him to make our life abundantly rich in the Love He placed within us; because when our life is all said and done, it's only what's done for Christ that will last. So Let's lay up our treasures in Heaven as Jesus taught in Mt 6:19-21 and reflect His loving light so we can lead others to Jesus through our words and deeds, and let's be all we can be for His kingdom sake! 
Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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