Thursday, October 13, 2016

Celebrate Recovery

Today I want to share Celebrate Recovery with all of you who may not know what it is and what it can do in your life. I am forever thankful for Celebrate Recovery and the freedom it has already brought and continues to bring into my life. CR(Celebrate Recovery) is an out-reach ministry offered at many local churches that is designed to help hurting people, regular people like you and me, who have been devastated by some thing or some one along life's way that has hindered us from moving forward and being totally free in Christ Jesus!  CR is free and open to anyone who feels a need or desires freedom from any thing in their life and would like to visit CR without any obligations! Freedom comes with great sacrifices and is not often easily achieved. Even the freedom Jesus purchased for our salvation costs a greater price than many of us realize and even today many of us are confused at how a past hurt, a loss, or even a childhood offense can cause a setback that would prevent someone from being a whole person- unable to live life without hang-ups; while others such as I feel they have no hang-ups or bad habits until they are open enough to search their hearts, But regardless, to thine own self be true!  CR can help anyone and everyone who desires change. No matter who you are, no matter how old or young you are, no matter how rich or how poor, no matter if educated or not, no matter your status in life; CR is for anyone who has the courage to be honest about their life's hurts, habits, or hang ups; and who desire healing and change.  Celebrate Recovery's trained believers in Jesus Christ provide safe, confidential, Christ-centered support groups as people walk through their pain together; not trying to fix anyone or tell us how we should walk or what to do, but allowing us to bring it front and center so we can see with our own eyes what needs to be done and find the courage to change what is needed. Many times the group can quickly identify with others' hang-ups in their own lives as well...and that's when we find some of the most compassionate, caring friends who have also been flawed along the way and we find we were not alone in our situation. CR helps to recover one's life based on biblical principles with the goal of letting God work through us as we realize we are unable to change us and we need His healing power to do the work within us for change. As the door to recovery is opened and we begin sharing experiences, we find God's strength overrides our weakness and we find the hope of change possible in Christ Jesus and Him alone with the process of freedom flourishing as we grow in God's grace and begin to move forward one step at a time!
 I am so proud to be a grateful believer in Christ Jesus who through Celebrate Recovery's program found Deliverance and Freedom from the chains that had once kept me from being all I can be in Christ Jesus and Today I am Free!  Free to be ME and enjoy a wonderfully blessed life in Christ Jesus! 

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