Saturday, October 15, 2016

Variety: The Spice of Life

Variety is the spice of life, and it's uniqueness separates all God's creation! As you look around, you will see a variety in everything that has been created: from mountains and trees to hilltops and valleys to the oceans and seas; and just look at all the birds of the air with each one so delicately brush-stroked by God's own hand; and then there are the seasons that bring in such a variety of colors such as Fall, which is now, as the trees display such varying colors of the autumn leaves; each one so breathtakingly colored as we look around and enjoy the beauty God has brought into our lives.
You and I are also various displays of God's handiwork, each of us uniquely designed and predestined to bring glory and honor to Him. He shares His love to one and all unconditionally because we are His and He is ours forevermore. We were created to enjoy life and share in His fellowship day by day as children of the most High God! We were Created by His own hand and recreated through the blood of His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ unto good works!
None of us were created exactly the same; even identical twins who look the same and are difficult to tell apart, have different personalities. So if God created us differently, why do we try to look like someone else and want to be different from what we were created to be? Are we seeing clearly or seeing through a clouded vision that keeps us from seeing the reality of it all? Why are we not content to be who we are and who God created us to be? Could it be we are being deceived by the father of lies and deceiver of many? Could it be we are allowing our minds to be filled with negative thinking instead of positively knowing who we really are in Christ Jesus?
In all God's creation, He proved He loves variety as He declared after viewing His works "It is good!" So if God says we are good with our different shapes, colors, and sizes, then why are we allowing negative thinking to overshadow us and feel less than others, when in reality God loves and values each one of us unconditionally the same! Yes, God values YOU just as you are! There is nothing wrong with how you look so stop looking in that mirror thinking negatively about yourself; instead, look in the mirror and see the You God created you to be and begin to feel like the child of God you are.
Remind yourself daily that "God loves me just the way I am and there is nothing He doesn't love about me." Only you possess the unique qualities to be YOU! No one else possesses your special abilities, your special personality, and your special ways of being just who you are! You were specifically created by God to be who you are in Christ Jesus and no one else can fill your place, but You!
So today, take a good look at yourself and realize your Heavenly Father is smiling upon you and He adores you just the way you are-Unconditionally!
So go out there and enjoy a wonderfully blessed day being who you are in Christ Jesus, because God loves you and so do I~~~

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