Monday, October 10, 2016

Changing the World One Life at a Time

With all the dismay going around the world today with all the devastating hurricanes, volcanoes, criminal attacks, political disputes and poverty, we can make the world a whole lot brighter and make someone's load a whole lot lighter if we offer our bodies as willing vessels God can use to touch someone's life today. It only takes one person to make a change in someone's life and that one person touched reaching out to someone else, to cause a chain reaction in one life at a time, to make this world a whole lot brighter.
So where and when does the change begin? It begins in You and Me and it starts today because Now is the time to show forth God's glory as we share His Love one to another! Now is the time to open our eyes and see what is needed to help just one person today! Now is the time to hear what Holy Spirit is saying, not to just the churches, but to each one of us who profess we are God's children! Now is the time to be what we profess to be! Now is the time to be the hands and voice extended of Our Heavenly Father, Our Creator, Our Deliverer, Our Lord!
As He has provided for us, we should give forward with a grateful heart. Blessings are not given to keep, but are given so we can bless others as He has given! To those much is given, much is required. There is nothing God cannot do; Nothing He cannot supply; Nothing that is too far gone or too far lost that He cannot save! He is More Than Enough to meet every need today and He is ALL you and I need to accomplish His Will in meeting the needs of those we encounter today! Today is the day of Salvation and God is calling His people to be His hands and voice extended to this lost and hurting world. Will you answer His call today? Will you be His hands extended? Will you share hope to the lost and hurting?
The choice is yours! You can make the most of this day and enjoy the blessings of being a blessing as He supplies, or you can just live through the day unmoved by those around you. The choice is truly Yours! I pray you choose wisely and that you have a wonderfully blessed day as you bless others because God loves you and so do I~~~

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