Friday, October 28, 2016

Wake Up Call

Good morning! Can I pour you a nice cup of coffee as we chat today?.......Busy readying yourself for the day ahead? Anxious you won't be able to accomplish all your goals today? Finding there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done? Well, I have some good advise for you.....This is your “wake-up” call to spend time with Jesus. I love to share my morning coffee early in the morning with Jesus...just sipping my coffee and sharing my cares with Him....reading His Word and then listening as He encourages and instructs me throughout my day. He is the one Who completes me!
I can be all 'dressed out' and think I'm ready for the day, but if I forget to spend those precious moments with Jesus, I am not complete and I find that sharing my day with Him gets me off to a great start. I find He makes my nice cup of coffee taste even better as His aroma fills the room and satisfies all my senses. I know He must have the best coffee brewing right now in Heaven; Can't you smell it brewing? Did you take time to sniff? Ummmm, such rich aroma fills the air as His presence is felt! Don't worry friends, I haven't lost it; I've actually found it! The key to a joyful life begins with Christ Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. He is my strength, my joy, my peace, my comfort; everything that matters in life comes from deep within...Christ in me, the hope of glory....I in Him and He in me.
We are encouraged in Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait for the Lord (who expect, look for, and hope in Him) shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up (close to God) as eagles (strong and soaring); they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired. We must learn to slow down our busy pace in the day and adorn our lives with power from on high... and that power is only ours as we begin-and-end each day communing with Him. Spending time with Jesus gives us renewed hope and strength for each new day.
Won't you begin now by taking time to spend a few minutes with the Lord before you rush out with your daily tasks? Make Jesus first in your life. Get up each morning and have coffee with Him....Even if you must rise earlier in the morning to do it, it will be well worth the effort. Your day will be more productive, you will feel more joyful, and most of all, you will experience the peace of God in ways you never realized. So, go ahead and enjoy your cup of coffee with Him today and be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~

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