Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Spirit is Drawing

The Spirit is drawing today and I'm drawn today to Isaiah 43:19(NIV) as God is saying, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness", and truly God is doing a new thing all around us today. Can you not see it? I certainly can..... I can feel it in the atmosphere; I can feel it as we gather to worship; I can feel it as I lie down to rest in His perfect peace; I can feel it as I open my eyes every morning to His fresh mercies and precious gift of a brand new day. I can feel it in the very depths of my soul throughout the day and night.....This newness in Christ Jesus causing gifts planted deep within to be awakened and spring forth; no more lying dormant, but springing forth with a new found determination to be all I can be in Christ Jesus.
Holy Spirit has been stirring the waters in our churches for quite a while now; crying out for us to draw closer, to seek Him and His power thereof; and the stirring continues to grow stronger and stronger and I can feel His heart seemingly breaking as He cries out for us to move in a little closer, to trust Him more completely, and to Seek Him in the face of all the troubles surrounding us; while laying aside the "norms" of worship and yielding to His Spirit hovering in the midst. After all, it's ALL ABOUT HIM- not us! God desires for us to seek Him and with our minds stayed on Him, He is able to bring us up into higher realms of praise and worship and meet needs only He can make possible. 
God seeks personal relationships with each and every one of His children. He created us to be His family; not just people He created who are distant and don't really know Him intimately! He wants us to feel truly loved and to be totally free from every hurt, hang-up, or bad habits that would cause us not to be able to enjoy all the blessings He wants us to enjoy. He desires to give us an abundant life, not just mediocre, but in excess- Abundantly!  We were created for His good pleasure, and as children of the Most High God, recreated through His son Jesus. He loves to see us enjoying the life He gives with new found freedoms that allow us freedom to be all we were created to be.... freedom in every area of life; freedom to rejoice, to sing, and to lift up holy hands and magnify the name of Jesus! "JESUS, Lover of my soul, Jesus I will never let you go, You’ve taken me from the miry clay, You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now I know. I love you, I need you, Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go; My Savior my closest friend, I will worship you until the very end." 
Holy Spirit is calling us to a newness of life in Christ Jesus with a freedom beyond our wildest dreams. The question is: Will you heed His calling? Don't you really want to feel FREE and able to really enjoy life as you go about sharing Hope and God's love to those you meet along your way? My prayer is that you will listen to that still small voice calling you today; urging you to trust Him completely, and allow Him to fill you with His Spirit so you can be all you can be for His kingdom sake.

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