Thursday, October 27, 2016


Ever get ready to leave the house and can't find your keys? So you look everywhere and begin a frantic search; opening doors, looking under things, adrenaline begins pumping, you shout, you yell, you cry, and still.... no keys!
In total frustration you finally collapse onto a chair, cover your face in your hands and in total exhaustion you plead, "God help me find those keys".....
and after a few minutes you catch a breath and finally uncover your face; you look up and your eyes become fixed on a certain go over and look, and what do you see?.....Your keys! WOW! How did you miss those keys over there?
Life is much like searching for those keys. We run around trying to fix everything and trying to make everything work the way it should until we don't know what else to do and become totally exhausted. We realize circumstances are out of our control and having done all we know to do, we become so fed up and devastated that we throw our hands up in total surrender. And having done all we know to do we just sit down, face in hands, and cry out to God for help.... when the answer was right there.... all the time!
So, Why do we wait until we are totally devastated before we seek God in times of need? Why do we not realize He holds the answers to every situation in life if we will only ask! Jesus told us in Mt 11:28 to come to Him when we are troubled and frustrated or burdened and He would give us rest. He is the Prince of Peace who gives peace of mind like none other and in Jeremiah 33:3 He tells us to call to Him and He will answer and tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know." And yet we continue to worry about the cares of life instead of seeking Him first in all our ways so He can direct our path.Prov 3:6
What we are really not taking in is that He cares about every little detail of life we encounter during every minute of every day He has given. In Mt 7:7 He encourages us to ask-so we can receive, to seek-so we can find, and to knock-so the door will be opened unto us. So let's stop trying to handle everything on our own. Let's stop trying to fix everything, stop trying to control every thing; and begin to submit to His will and His guidance throughout our day. Let's start by asking Him to guide our day and to fine tune our ears so we can hear His instructions along the way.
We can all have a wonderfully blessed day if we keep our minds upon Him and seek Him in all our ways. When we seek Him we will find rest unto our souls and I pray you will do just that, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~

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