Friday, March 11, 2016

God is doing a New Thing

Sometime around the first of the year, I became aware that God was doing a new thing in my life and as I began to meditate on His Word I was drawn to the passage in Isaiah 43:19 NIV as God is saying, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."  And truly, dear friends, God is doing a new thing all around us, in our homes, our churches, our communities, and above all within the depths of our very souls. Can you not sense it? I certainly can!  I can feel it in the atmosphere!  I can feel it as I gather to worship! I can feel it as I lie down to rest in His perfect peace! I can feel it as I open my eyes every morning to His fresh mercies and His precious gift of a new day!  I can feel it in the very depths of my soul as I go through the day! This new thing rising up within me, awakening gifts from deep within my very soul to suddenly spring forth; no more laying dormant, but springing forth with determination and drive to be all I can be in Christ Jesus, for His glory sake. Holy Spirit has been stirring the waters within me and in our churches for quite a while now, and the stirring continues to grow stronger and stronger as we learn to empty our vessels of 'us', and yield our minds to 'Him' in a true atmosphere of worship; laying aside the "norms" of worship, and acknowledge Jesus as Lord of Lords, and King of Kings!  It's ALL ABOUT HIM, not about us, and with loving admiration I lift my hands in praise to Him and sing, "JESUS, Lover of my soul, Jesus, I will never let you go, You’ve taken me from the miry clay, You've set my feet upon the Rock, and now I know. I love you, I need you, Though my world may fall, I’ll never let you go, My Savior, my closest friend, I will worship you until the very end," and over and over it goes, words of praise and worship to my blessed Redeemer, Lover of my Soul- King Jesus! as Holy Spirit fills the atmosphere with His glory!!!
What a refreshing in the air! What a rebirthing within our inner man!  Holy Spirit stirring the waters within the depths of our very souls, causing spiritual explosions throughout the atmosphere as His presence fills the room, and all hearts give way to praise and worship of our Mighty Lord Jesus! Oh, what glory fills the place!!! The old man eradicated through the blood of Jesus and a new man springs forth, delivered from the depths of sin and bondage and set free in Christ Jesus forevermore! What a glorious new creation we become! Predestined before creation to be His family, children of the Most High God, recreated through redemption in His Beloved Son Jesus, for the glory of God and His kingdom sake. With this new found freedom, we are FREE to worship, FREE to sing, FREE to lift up holy hands and magnify His name, FREE to be all we were predestined to be in Christ JESUS!  The Lover of my soul; Jesus!  I will never let you go!   My question to you is this, Where is your determination and drive today?  Holy Spirit is stirring the waters and calling us to a newness in worship, and to be the Child of God we were created to be. Will you heed His calling, or will you choose to remain dormant? Don't you really want to be FREE? Free from all your past and free to be the real You God created you to be!  In John 8:36, He assures us, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed".  Please don't choose to stay in bondage, but choose to allow Him to set you free forevermore! My prayer is that you will listen to that still small voice within, drawing you to a newness in Him; and as you draw close to Him, He will draw closer to you! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~


  1. Love this, Betty. Makes you want to shout. ♡ 💖 ☝ 👐

  2. AMEIN. Love your blogs. Love you girlfriend.
