Wednesday, March 9, 2016

He Comforts Us to Be Comfort-Ablers

Good morning, dear friends, I hope you slept well and woke feeling refreshed, ready to enjoy your gift of today and be of service to our Lord Jesus. Ya know, it never seems to amaze me, that as I read His Word,  scriptures I've read many times in the past suddenly jump out at me, as if it were the first time I had read them. Such was this morning in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 NIV "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God, For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."  Did you hear that, too! God has given us comfort in our time of troubles, (He has made us comfort-able),  so we can 'help others in ANY trouble' with the same comfort we received from Him. He didn't just give us comfort so we could rest in that comfort; or to just feel better about our circumstances; He gave us comfort to enable us, to equip us, and to prepare us to comfort others with that same comfort. WOW! what an awesome Word! Here we have a trickle down effect.......God comforting us, so we can comfort others in their troubles. Can you imagine how awesome our world would be if we would just comfort others with the same overflowing comfort God has given us, and do it as He does unconditionally; paying it forward into the kingdom sake. WOW! What an explosion of God's grace would rock this universe! Countless million lives would be changed; souls would be healed from sin and depression, as they see His divine Love and hear the Word of God, while their needs are met. How peaceful this world could be knowing that God's Love abounds!  As I meditated on this, I realized that after all, this is how we are to be known as disciples of Jesus Christ- not by wealth or power- but by the Love we share one to another!!!  It's just a thought, but definitely something wonderful to think on......If only!!! Have a blessed day, dear friends, God loves you and so do I.~~~

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