Friday, March 18, 2016

Our Amazing God

Today I sit in awe of my Heavenly Father and His measureless love and grace freely given to all mankind. Each morning as I rise, I find He has graced me with fresh mercies again and again, and enabled me to breathe and move about and have my being; something we all take for granted until an incident occurs in our life causing loss of one or all of these abilities. It's then we remember His faithfulness and His promises, which cause our prayers to be increased as our eyes turn upward toward heaven for a move from God to heal and deliver us from our affliction; and sure enough, based on our faith and belief in the works of Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father is faithful to meet our need so His Son Jesus, is glorified. What an awesome God we serve! Who watches over each one of His children to protect and supply our needs, beginning with the need for redemption, by sending His Son Jesus to conquer every work required for our redemption and deliverance so we could accept Him and rest in Him through Holy Spirit living within.
As I look around and see all the beauty of His creations, I am bewildered at how we, as humans, cannot see people in the valley while standing on the mountain tops and yet, our Heavenly Father is able to see us and watch over us from the majesty of Heaven and seeing His child in need, is quick to dispense help to meet our needs, for everyone of us the same, with no respect of persons!  All I can say is, "What a mighty, loving, powerful God we serve!" He showers us with blessings, above and beyond all we could ever count! He loves us unconditionally, and has made every provision necessary to enable us to live eternally with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ!  And even when we think, "What more could He do?" He, seeing our weakness and insecurity, sends Holy Spirit to live within us as we accept His free gift of salvation: to guide us, to teach us, to walk beside us leaving us never alone, while bringing comfort and peace through times of trial and sorrow. Now that is a god above all gods, and He is MY GOD, and I love Him with all my heart, all my soul, all my strength, and all my mind; and forever and ever, I am His and He is mine! I praise the God of my salvation and seek to bring honor and glory to His Holy Name. I pray that you know His love and are blessed today, dear friend, because God loves you and so do I~~~

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