Thursday, May 25, 2017

As Little Seedlings In The Garden of Life, How Is Your Nourishment

" Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men; The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."(Philippians 4:4-7 NKJV). What wonderful hope we have in Christ Jesus; our Lord, our Savior, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Conqueror, Our All in All! What a mighty God we serve! 
Paul encourages us to Rejoice in the Lord in good times and bad so that others may see His good work in our lives and become followers as well. It's in the peace we portray while encountering hardships that others see Christ Jesus in us, so he encourages us to guard our hearts and minds so nothing comes forward that would be offensive or cause us to act out of control. The peace of God allows us to step back from offenses and let Holy Spirit take over for us. It's in His power we are made more than over-comers and we shine forth in the darkness that surrounds us! 
As followers in Christ Jesus, we are encouraged to grow up in him and become no more like little children as we put away childish behaviors and grow into His holy plan! We are like little seeds in the garden of life and as the Word(the seed) is sown, it begins to breakdown and grow down deep; then as God waters the seed and the Sun shines brightly down upon that seed, it will mature and spring forth speedily. God watches over and cares for His garden filled with different flowers of all colors, shapes, and sizes(maturing followers) and then there are the little seedlings(His little children); and oh how they bring joy and admiration as He watches them thrive and grow in the beauty and splendor of His Son Jesus!
However, this maturation doesn't come easily; and certainly not from a lack of nourishment(direct communication with the Lord). These little seedlings require daily nourishment to grow and thrive in strength and beauty. Their roots must be firmly planted and given daily nourishment if expected to grow and mature; and likewise, we must not forget the maturing flowers, because if left un-nourished they will wilt and decay while trying to stay strong! 
Just as these precious flowers grow up in Him, Paul refers to a maturity in Christ Jesus that allows us to become strong enough to withstand the damaging elements of life that surround us; yet leaves us with a sense of peace that make us more than over comers through Christ Jesus!  Allowing God time to nourish and grow us daily, assures we are being watered from His Never Ending Fountain that supplies all the nourishment we need to thrive and draw strength under His care! 
My prayer for you, dear friends, is that you become Seeds of Righteousness as you enjoy Him in all His Glory and that your souls be filled with Joy Unspeakable as you develop a closer relationship with Him each morning! Have a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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