Saturday, April 23, 2016


Enjoying my second cup of coffee and feeling the warmth and relaxation this new day has given......and just being me. Not who others think I should be, but the me created by Almighty God..... and just wondering what He would want me to share with all of you today and what to do with this day. As my mind wanders, I just feel the sense of relaxing and just being me in all I do and all I say, so I'm sharing just that with you today.
I know what needs to be done and I know what should be done, but what do I really want to do with this day I have been given?  Our days are numbered and tomorrow is never promised to anyone so I want to spend each moment being the best me I can be. So today, will I do what's expected of me? or will I relax in each moment given and enjoy just being me? Living in each moment and just being....... nothing planned, no time schedule; but just being....... and enjoying life given this very second; relaxing in the love of Jesus and the assurance He instills deep inside my heart of hearts ....... joy....... peace....... love....... contentment! Secure in His love with nothing to worry about because He has all I will ever need secured safely in the palm of His hands, so why should I fear and why should I worry? He is my protector, my provider, my all in all.
So I will live in this second....... this very second and I will be me! Just as I am; and I will enjoy the pleasures He showers upon me as I go through this new day, this new gift of today He has given; and with each breath I take, each move I make, each step I walk, each person I meet; I will enjoy this new day and enjoy life to the fullest. With His grace, I will strive to love others as He loves me; I will share the hope of Christ in me, the hope of glory; I will seek to share with those in need; and I will enjoy each moment of this brand new day filled with endless opportunities....... and I will just be. I will be the me God predestined me to be, and I will relax in His goodness, in His love, and just be!!!
Dear friend, I pray you will relax in each moment and enjoy this new day God has given, as well, and be blessed! God loves you and so do I!~!

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