Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Today I'm reminded of a precious old song, written by Gerald Crabb, that reminds us that if we just hold on, our God will show up, and He will walk with us through the fire again and again; and we will come out victorious, every time. It's really in those valleys of decision that our weakness is made strong. The song goes: "So many times I've questioned certain circumstances, or things I could not understand. Many times in trials, weakness blurs my vision, and my frustrations get so out of hand. It's then I am reminded, I've never been forsaken; I've never had to stand the test alone; As I look at all the victories, the Spirit rises up in me; It's through the fire my weakness is made strong. And He never promised, the cross would not get heavy and the hill would not be hard to climb; He never offered victory without fighting, but He said help would always come in time; Just remember when you're standing in the valley of decision, and the adversary says give in; Just hold on, our Lord will show up; and He will take you through the fire again." 
Just as this song reminds us that when storms of life overwhelm us, the one sure thing we must do is Hold On..... Hold on to God's unchanging hand; and He will keep us safe until those storms of life have passed. No matter what comes against us; when all hope seems gone; we will find God remains forever faithful and strong.....if we just hold on. There is nothing too difficult for our God! The words of the psalmist, filled with confidence writes, “He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed” (Psalm 107:29), and in Mark 4:39, we see Jesus being awakened by the disciples, fearing they would drown as the stormy waters were overtaking their boat; but Jesus just rebuked the storm and told it to be quiet; and the winds subsided, and the waves became calm; He stilled the storm to a mere whisper. He is always on time, supplying the need, and we are made stronger and wiser because of them. 
So don't be afraid of life's storms; just learn from them. Call on God for help in your time of need; anytime-anywhere-in any given situation. He is ever present and ready to calm those storms and bring us calm assurance, as well. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble."(Psalm 46:1). We are His children and it is His desire to 'Father us' and pour out His love upon us, as only He does best. So when storms of life come against you and it seems you can't go on; just reach out and Hold on to God's unchanging hand. He will latch on to you and lead you safely through that storm; even if He has to carry you!  It's in those valleys of decision that He restores our soul; refreshes our spirit; and revives us within. He is with you and He won't let go, dear friend...... so just Hold on to God's unchanging hand. Trust in Him and rest in His ability to calm your storms of life.  Be blessed today, dear friend, God loves you and so do I~~

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