Monday, March 6, 2017

Taking Time to Get Our Mind As Well As Our Body In Shape

I was awakened this morning feeling such peace that it brought a smile to my face and loving warmth to my soul. I knew I was not alone and the presence of Holy Spirit was with me. For whatever reason, I was reminded of an old saying,"the early bird gets the worm," and then I thought, 'Well, the early riser gets The Word'. And again I smiled as I talked with the Lord while reading in His Word. 
What assurance He gives as I follow His lead that brings such joy to my soul and again I smiled!  What amazing joy to feel the presence of Almighty God and to feel His love wrapping around me as He whispers, "You are mine, and I am Yours." Such Wonderful Peace; And I smile~ 
 Dear Lord, in all I do, I choose to worship You! What incredible peace You bring! What joy You instill within my heart! What loving warmth is mine as I commune with Him so early in the morning, and it's true; the early riser does find the goods! 
John 1:1-5 tells us, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God! The same was in the beginning with God! All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made! In Him was life; and the life was the light of men; and the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not." 
Isn't it amazing that Jesus, Son of Almighty God, the very Creator of all Heaven and Earth, walked among His very own creation and no one recognized Him for Who He truly was? Were they like so many of us? So involved in their daily cares of life that they could only see through natural eyes, and not see the spiritual Light walking alongside them. Compare them to us not being able to see or to feel Him walking beside us? Or to sense Holy Spirit working within us? 
It's a conditioning thing! While many of us have set aside time to improve our bodies physically and changed our eating habits to obtain healthier bodies; where is our intent to improve the spiritual side of us? Yes, God expects us to take care of our bodies which is a temple of Holy Spirit, but we must also be just as mindful to set aside time daily to spend in the Word and to talk with the Lord. It's not the outer self that God looks at, but the inner man, the heart of man, that allows that personal relationship between God and man! 
 So how do we reprogram our self spiritually? Through setting aside time for God and by literally scheduling Him into our busy schedules, as we rise up early in the morning. Start by scheduling time to spend with the author and finisher of your faith, Jesus Christ! I challenge you to try this: set your clock 30 minutes earlier than normal(like you would if you had something urgent to do), grab a cup of coffee or your morning drink, pull out an empty chair and invite Jesus to join you, open your Bible and begin your morning devotion and then relax while you enjoy your coffee and fellowship together while allowing time to really listen as He communes with you. 
Just as it takes a little time to feel the effects from exercise, You may have to exercise this for a while before you begin to feel His presence; but if done in sincerity, He will accept your invitation and your life will never be the same! Everything worth having is worth doing right! 
So let's begin to show the Lord how important He is to us by allowing time out of each day He gives to communicate with Him, openly and with loving admiration for all He has done in our lives. Be blessed, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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