Friday, March 31, 2017

God's Not Dead, But Very Much Alive

Thinking back over the goodness of my God and the miraculous works He has shown throughout this past year within my family just makes me wanna shout out, "Well, my God’s not dead, He’s still alive; God’s not dead, He’s still alive; God’s not dead, He’s still alive;  I can feel Him in my hands, I can feel Him in my feet, I can feel Him all over me."
I was just reading a testimony I had written on this day last year, as I reported: "TO GOD BE THE GLORY- GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE! My grandson was scheduled for Cardiac Ablation for SVT this morning around 8am since all others medications and treatments had failed to help, so we showed up at Erlanger around 6am as requested and all went according to schedule ......BUT GOD showed up and did what He does best! They took him down for the procedure and a couple hrs later Dr Cooper came in and talked to us and said he didn't see any reason to burn anything-said he did everything he could to get his heart to act up so he could burn the problem areas but nothing would act up-said after he'd tried all the normal procedures, he even tried to kill him(deliberately cause cardiac arrest), but my grandson wouldn't die!,.LOL, BUT GOD!!!! Said he threw everything he had at him, but he just wouldn't die. Dr said he has a healthy heart and saw nothing to warrant any repair and no reason for future alarm or daily medications and no reason why he shouldn't live a normal life without any further problems. As we told the surgeon many prayers had been going up on his behalf, he nodded his head and said, "see there, that's God!" and lifted his hand up to heaven as he left the room." And today, he is still doing well, and to God be All the glory! 
Then a few months ago, my granddaughter was traveling down a mountainside and her car hit a soft spot in the road sending it out of control, flipping her car several times over and over with it landing upon its top; the site of her car was horrible to behold and for all intents and purposes everyone seeing it happen and those hurrying over didn't see how she could be alive,.....BUT GOD!!!!!  Once again, God's arms of protection shielded her from all the glass, the flipping of the car over and over again mangling the car on every side above and beneath, but after they cut her out of the car, there she was safe and sound as she miraculously walked away without any breaks, just a few bruises and a concussion......Now That's my God!!!!! She's still alive well and so is my God: Very Much Alive and Well and continuing to do what He does Best!
And they try to tell me, There is No God! Well all I can say is, "Their god may be dead, but Mine Is Positively Alive and Well and Performing All things like He said He would do in His Holy Word!
I could tell you of many more occasions just during the past few months where Healings, Provisions, and Protection was needed and once again, My God Was There, And not a minute too late!!! 
Everything in His Perfect Timing, His Perfect Way, and His Perfect Display of Divine Intervention in whatever life had to throw our way!  I am so proud to know My God!  Forever Faithful, Forever Tried, Forever True! God is very much alive and continues to do All He said He would do! He is no respecter of persons, so if He did it for one, He Will surely do it for you and me as we trust Him and acknowledge Him in all our ways! 
I pray that as you go through your day, you will feel the Love of our precious God as He watches over you in all your ways. Enjoy a wonderfully blessed day, dear friends. God loves you and so do I~~~

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