Monday, March 27, 2017

When Will We Ever Grow Up?

I'm wondering today..... How are you when it comes to a dentist appointment? Do you sit patiently and try to occupy your time while waiting for your name to be called or do you impatiently continue to monitor time noting how long you have been made to wait? Do you take notice of who was there when you arrived and get irritated when others are called back ahead of you?
Well, over the past couple days, I've had the opportunity to witness first hand the many attitudes, expressions, and vibes we give out. I had broken my upper plate which required having a new one made and it required several trips back and forth to the office to assure the finished product had the look and bite needed to achieve success: actually it has taken 5 trips since the bite was off and they had to do a remake of the waxed product.
So, here I was time and time again waiting for my name to be called back. I quickly saw how impatient we can all tend to be when we don't fully understand the "waiting game" and all the different treatments taking place in the back from having x-rays, teeth extracted, impressions made, and then assuring the waxed model and finished product are correct, so realizing this, there is no way people are going to be called back in the same order they sign in as some presumed and monitored very closely, I must say.
I actually got tickled watching one lady literally eyeball another lady who had already gone back "twice before her", lol. For the most of us waiting, we tried to strike up conversations or read but some were pretty quiet with only facial expressions that would make you laugh at times, but as in anything there were some who could be really obnoxious making sure their viewpoints were verbally expressed loud enough for staff to hear.
When do we ever learn that our behavior is a tell-tell sign of who we really are on the inside. We can dress up all we want and look our finest on the outside, but unless our inner self is kind and seeks to treat one another with the love of God in ALL situations and in ALL areas, we are no better than anyone else and our witness is lost.
As the staff continued to be very courteous and apologetic for our wait times which seemed to ease the impatience of some, I wonder how our Lord felt about watching our reactions through it all. I wonder if He shakes His head in dismay or laughs at us sometimes when we are really being silly and says much like we would to our children, " Oh my child, when will you ever grow up?"
Needless to say, I have enjoyed this opportunity that has made me re-examine the intents and motives hidden within my heart when it comes to something like this. Now some of you may say this is nothing, that it doesn't really matter to God, I beg to differ! God wants us to be Christ-like in every situation we encounter, so I know that while I have a lot of "growing up to do",  I just wonder, "How about you?"
Hope you're having a great day because God loves you and so do I~~~

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